The Pig and The Cock

The Cock was up early and went about his ritual of drinking coffee and reading his newspaper. He was very annoyed by the headlines which were all about the most recent scandals of The Lion Administration. Huffing and cawing he imagined just what he would say to The Lion’s face if he ever had the chance. He desperately wanted to tell someone his opinion about matters, but no one else was awake but The Pig.

“I say, Pig. Have you heard the latest news about Lion? That guy is the worst. He is constantly hunting and eating other animals and his tax plan is terribly unrealistic.”

The Pig was eating at the time, but looked up from his trough.

“I done got half a ‘tater this morning. Push it out this afternoon, I reckon.”

The Cock didn’t really hear The Pig, he was too busy getting ready to speak again to listen.

“We’ll never be able to balance the budget until we can accept the cold realities of the situation,” he rattled on. “The kingdom needs to economize on services and simultaneously raise taxes on higher income animals. Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling a bunch of nonsense.”

The Pig stared at him with vacant eyes. His tongue stuck out at a funny angle and a little bead of snot dripped out of one of his nostrils.

“Dry corn sure do scour the works, better than nothing though.”

The Cock wasn’t sure whether The Pig was agreeing with him or not. It’s not that The Pig was being argumentative, just hard to read.

“This is serious, Pig,” he continued. “The predators talk big about fiscal responsibility, but all they really care about is eating animals like you and me. If the top of the food chain can’t contribute to society at reasonable rates, we’re just going to wind up passing our debts to the next generation.”

Pig nodded.

“Gots into a barrel of apples last week. Hit that yonder wall like ten gauge squirrel shot.”

“Do you understand what I’m saying? Lion is a terrible administrator.”

Pig seemed to ponder this and opened his mouth as if to respond. But instead he just let out a loud belch.

“You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?” said The Cock.

“Lion is the king,” said The Pig.

“I know he’s the king. What I’m saying is that-”

Pig squinted his eyes and let go of a noxious fart. The smell was so overpowering that The Cock was forced to fly away.

Don’t waste time talking about politics with idiots.

CT Hutt